189: 3 Money Blocks That Stop You From Earning What You Deserve!
Genecia Alluora: This episode is brought to you by InstantPodcastLeader.com, the leading platform to launch your podcast in 48 hours and make it profitable. Get your free audiobook and free webclass at instantpodcastleader.com./webclass. I believe we can change the world. But first we've got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Genecia Alluora: Hi, I'm Genecia Alluora, founder of the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia, supporting 1 million women to own and love the F word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and family. With a challenge to women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams. Soul Why secrets of the Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of the behavior to adopt and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence and believing in yourself to be recognized as a leader online, with clients online, and to have more impact on the world. Stop believing about the lies, about who you are, so you can become who you are meant to be. You're just an F word away from the life you want. The marriage you want, the family that you want is going to be fueled by the business and life that you build. Join me. Be a Soul Rich Woman. Alone, we are strong. Together, we are unstoppable.
Genecia Alluora: Hey, gorgeous. Welcome to this episode. My name is Genecia Alluora, founder of Soul Rich Woman, money, mindset, energy mentor, and also a bestselling author. Now, I've got a question for you. Are you thinking that you're spiritual and you don't deserve to make money? Or is money flowing easily into your business right now? Are you a tire card reader, a spiritual entrepreneur, a healer, a crystal energy healer, a crystal seller? Whatever that you may be, anything that's related to spiritual and whatever you think, you're creative and spiritual right now, listen closely. Do you feel that there's money flowing into your business right now, or could there be something blocking it? And you might think, why would I do that? Genesia? Why would I block money into my life? I know that this sounds really crazy, but the truth is, a lot of my clients that I've seen who are related in the spiritual arena often have some blocks. They are saying that if I'm spiritual, I shouldn't make some money, I shouldn't charge so high. There's a lot of inner mindset blocks that are actively stopping us from making money. Plus, there are also some really practical things that you might be unknowingly doing that are just detrimental to your business.
Genecia Alluora: So today we are going to talk about a few things that you might be blocking money into your business and most importantly, how to fix them. All right? So the first block is simply not having offers for people to buy from you when you're doing cart reading, selling crystals, doing energy readings, for example, on live streams, on TikTok, on social media platforms, and you're sharing your vibes with people. And then people come to you, they get a free reading, and you're not having offers for them because you said, well, I'm giving it for free. How can I ask for the offer? Would they think that I'm hard selling them? Would I be too much if I were to do free and then call for action right on the next step? So simple, right? Let's get straight to the point. Now, it's obvious that I didn't even know why I have to say this, but you know that if you are not going to give your customers away an offer, they are not going to be able to give you the money. Even though you're spiritual, you're helping people. Always remember this. I deserve to be rich when I add value to people's lives.
Genecia Alluora: Come, say it with me. I deserve to be rich when I add value to people's lives. I deserve to be rich when I add value to people's lives. When you serve in deserve spelled as S-E-R-V-E, you deserve to be rich when you add value to other people's lives.
Genecia Alluora: Now, it's simple, but yet at the same time, it breaks my heart when entrepreneurs like yourself or someone, a healer or spiritual or creative entrepreneur who are rejecting this idea, or they don't really know how to do it the right way. And it allows them to have more in their life since they've already been giving so much value because they have really beautiful services and really beautiful products that the world really needs right now. So sometimes, to a certain extent, I feel they are kind of hoarding their gifts by not allowing people to buy. So if you're a healer, you're a creative entrepreneur, you're a spiritual person entrepreneur. You do card reading, tarot card reading, oracle reading. You do like energy reading, whatever that may be. Okay? You want to make the world a better place to help people.
Genecia Alluora: So this is something you want to watch out for. You can be so caught up about giving free services that you forget that you actually are running a real business and you have a dream as well. It's not like you are doing a service and then you feel really small and you don't deserve to be paid, right? Think about this. If maybe you run a big free networking group, let's say if you run a community or run a group after you've built up the people in your group, and then you say, okay, come, I have this group now. Everyone can sell inside there. Everyone can talk about it. Everyone can be inside this group that you have formed that allow people to network. During this time even though you're the leader of the group being spiritual or creative, you never really actually tell people how they can work with you further. For example, maybe you do something like free angel readings, tarot card readings, astrology, or maybe you do aura readings or crystals energy sharing. But you never really tell people that they can have a full, personalized, paid, VIP one on one reading with you.
Genecia Alluora: You never really tell them. And probably you just go on and on about helping somebody throughout the entire hour when you are doing the sharing but never considered how to have intermittent call to actions to tell them that they can have a full reading for you. Now, I don't want to be pouring cold water on you, okay? I don't want to be doing that. But you know that money is an energy that needs to give and receive. And believe me, my dear, you can do both. Making money and helping people are not exclusive. In fact, they are inclusive. It's allowing yourself to be able to receive. So if you can provide a ton of awesome and free information, free content for people, now it's a great time for you to give people the next step to actually work further and give you the money. Okay? I know that some of you are rejecting the idea of people paying you money or paying you good money because in your energy space, it just does not feel right for you.
Genecia Alluora: So I want to share with you this. You really have to consider my suggestion. You have to make the offer for money to flow, whether it's a small, medium or large, whatever the size of the amount that may be. Well, do something about it. So here's the way to fix and create some clear, specific offers.
Genecia Alluora: If you are making this mistake in your business, the answer is really very simple and you don't have to overcomplicate it. Just create a clear offer, like a menu. Step one, step two, step three. Menu, offer one, offer two, offer three. So, simplified menu or a simple menu in a way that is standardized for you to repeat your offer.
Genecia Alluora: So that when people ask you, how can I work with you? And you just share with them what you have to offer, how exactly you can help them, and how to book your time, maybe through a scheduling link on a calendar, whatever that may be. So just here are some ideas for you. So if you have got a service page on your website, make it really clear and obvious. A website with everything equals to nothing.
Genecia Alluora: Meaning that when people land on your website or a landing page, you must clearly tell them how long? What is it going to be like? How much it is going to be. So here's how to work with me. This is what you expected to get, okay?
Genecia Alluora: And there are some reminders. So kind of paint the whole picture for them, even when you're not there to allow them to read during the time when they decide to book with you or decide to want to work with you. So have it in your navigation bar or distinct call to action, says book here. Now, don't hide what you do or make people work for it at the end of every single newsletter or social media post. Now, this is something very important.
Genecia Alluora: Don't try and hide things. I used to make this mistake. I do not want to sell or talk about how people can work with me in my emails. I always try to just give free and free and free within my emails, within my sharing and say no. Find out more.
Genecia Alluora: I'm going to offer you another free five days, another free download, and forever I'm just offering myself for free, offering my services without telling people the next step, how they can work with me. So in the end, well, you know how my business went previously. So honestly, my dear, tell them how they can work with you. Don't be shy.
Genecia Alluora: You're already giving so much value. All right. Another idea is they can really create a simple passive income product like an audio book or an ebook. There's something for them to buy on your website all the time, even if it's small or low cost. For example, a small mini e-course about tarot card reading, healing, about crystals, something that is in the audio or even an ebook format or even in videos, okay?
Genecia Alluora: Something that allow people to work with you. Finish this course. I mean, you've got your computer and launch it. I know it's so simple and yet it's so easy to procrastinate on this. But you know what?
Genecia Alluora: When you give someone a freebie, you must be able to call for it. That means whether it's online or in person, just tell the person, okay? After this, you can have the next step. $21, $50, $100, whatever that may be, right? And you can literally say, if you enjoy this free video, if you enjoy this, the next step is to book a session with me or buy my book.
Genecia Alluora: Click here. So none of this has to be perfect, but you need to give people a very simple next step so that they can give you the money. It's all about energy exchange, share offers so that your ideal people know that it exists and you have it, right? So it's super simple. So create offers that allow people to give you the money.
Genecia Alluora: Okay? The second way is that you are blocking the flow of your money into your business. That is not easy to make people actually to pay you. For example, people say, okay, how do I pay you the money? I want to book a card reading.
Genecia Alluora: I want to buy an aura service like aura reading, energy healing. I want to do some self healing, or I want to do some crystal energy healing. Okay? And then you are like, okay, can you pay now me? Can you do this?
Genecia Alluora: Instead of giving them a link where they can automatically click in a time that when you are sleeping, you need to entertain them, you need to talk to them, you need to go a few more steps before collecting the money. So it's really complicated, right? You make things so complicated, but in your world, maybe to you it's like, it's okay as long as you transfer me the money. Do a bank transfer, it's okay. How about if you consider this, if there are hundreds of them who want to book a time with you, and everybody requires your time to, oh, can I do a transfer?
Genecia Alluora: Can I use a check? Can I use a check? And it gets so complicated because you have to check and waste your time in multiple occasions, in multiple platforms to keep checking whether you've received the payment. And in the end, money just flies away because there's so much blockage in receiving money. So if you've got a link, it's something easy for people to buy.
Genecia Alluora: So using money and bringing in money to you needs a practical mechanism to actually let the money come to you and allow people to give money to you. So my advice is don't get caught up in finding the perfect system and don't try to spend hours trying to reduce the fees of collecting money, trying to save that 0.1% or 0.2%. It's still money if you're trying to save, but you're wasting so much time. Remember, how much is your time worth? When you are working for people in a nine to five job, you are always asking for how much am I going to be paid per hour?
Genecia Alluora: But when you're doing your own business and you're like, okay, I'm trying to save this amount, save that amount, and I want to find ways to save more money. And in the end, you're wasting so much of your time in running your own business. And because of that, you are actually making a loss because of the time spent and time wasted. So just remember, fees are just the cost of doing business. It is part of doing a business.
Genecia Alluora: Now, I hear a lot of my entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneurs, creative entrepreneurs get really annoyed, upset about giving PayPal, stripe authorized net all the fees and they're always saying why they must collect so much money? Why do they have to do this? Hey, come on, think about it. They are running a business and they are giving you an easy way for you you to collect money internationally.
Genecia Alluora: Nothing wrong with that. Okay? When you talk about arigato money, when we talk about clearing money blocks, these are blocks that you really have to clear. So it's okay to pay credit card transaction fees because well, it's part of the cost of doing a business and making it easy for people to pay you.
Genecia Alluora: So always think of your customer and how to make it easy for them. Now there are a lot of tools now that will help you to accept credit cards on your website or over the phone or you even can create payment plans for your customers. Things like fees are just a small price to pay to have a potentially global online business where you can help people all around the world. But if you think but if you make your customers jump through too many hoops to pay you, they might just go somewhere else. So don't create more obstacles than they already are. Okay, so the fix is simple. Just set up your payment account, make it easy for people to pay you, maybe upgrade your systems or allow your customers to pay upfront so you don't have to invoice them or change them. Maybe it's setting up something like PayPal Live shared with you PayPal Stripe or Authorized Net, okay, whichever that is easy for you. And then even linking up more credit card systems to your invoicing system. Maybe it's just as simple as adding a buy now link and making it really obvious on your website.
Genecia Alluora: I know it seems like a hassle now. You're like oh my god, Genecia, I have to go to the website, I need to log in. How do you do this? I don't spend another 4 hours doing this. Sister, my dear, gorgeous, you know what, you might be resistant about it right now, but you know what, it makes it easier for people to give you money. One time effort equals to a thousand times thereafter. And after that you can even make it simpler by creating automated emails to go out when someone have paid you. So that way you don't have to follow up manually with every client or customer individually. It's simple stuff but it will help you with the flow of money. Now here's the last one. Maybe the biggest way that you are blocking the flow of money right now and it's not making money mindset as a priority in your business. Now if you have read any of my books, well, you know that money mindset is never done. And the reason why? Because your money blocks will come up again and again in your business journey pretty much every time you hit a new level in your business or in your life.
Genecia Alluora: But way too many people just do a little bit of the mindset work and then they think, oh, getting another certificate or they just tinker with things like their branding when it doesn't make them money. And well, I'm sorry and not sorry to share this with you. There's always more mindset work to do. Mindset work is forever. Like a kid, like a puppy. Mindset isn't just for Christmas, isn't just for the new Year, isn't just for Valentine's Day, it's the rest of the life. Most of the successful people I know always work on their mindset beyond anything else, and they prioritize mindset as much as they do strategy and marketing. I really recommend that when you invest is not just to invest in other material stuff, but really maintain your mindset as you do your investment on anything else. I want you to consider my suggestion to block out regular time each week to look at your blocks and work out what you need to do to go to the next level. Because a clear mindset will help the flow of money into your business and into your life. Otherwise, you will repeat and go round and round in circles.
Genecia Alluora: You'll do sabotaging behaviors, you'll hide away, you feel guilty, you won't make offers, you have no call to action, you'll procrastinate and you'll always run away, launching, doing stuff, writing your books, launching a podcast, and otherwise sabotage your success. So I want you to add mindset experts into your team, like, including working with someone like me on your mindset. And I'll be happy to do that with you. And it's totally okay to pay for that kind of help. I think it's super important. Okay, gorgeous. Well, that's how you let money flow. You make offers, you make it really easy for people to pay you, and you continuously work on your money blocks. It does not have to be hard, I promise you. Okay, now, the last thing I want to offer is some extra insight into identifying and clearing your particular money blocks. I've created a brand new free Master class to help you identify your blocks and your limiting beliefs about money. I'll walk through with you step by step, recognizing them and dealing with these common money blocks that most entrepreneurs have, whether you're spiritual, you're creative, or you're just dealing with life.
Genecia Alluora: And you can get that today at soulrichwoman.com. S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N.com. Soulrichwoman.com. Okay? You know that money blocks do not have to stop you derail you from your dreams and your goals in your life. You can really embrace them and move on to creating the F word life that you truly deserve being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence, and a happy family. So do that. Now go check out soulrichwoman.com right now, S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N.com, because this is your time and you are ready for the next step. I sincerely love you, sending you my love, and I'll speak to you soon. Let's get that money flowing right now. Bye for now.
Genecia Alluora: Thank you for joining me today. I would love for you to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram and share with me your thoughts on today's episode at Genesia Alluora. G-E-N-E-C-I-A-L-L-U-O-R-A. Alternatively, you can send me an email at hello@soulrichwoman.com. H-E-L-L-O @ S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A N.com. I have a free gift for you on our website. Secrets of personal branding. And also, how do you delegate 80% of your to do list to your assistant so that you can make money online and focus on your zone of genius? And that is available at soulrichwoman.com. S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N.com. Join the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia, connecting more than 200,000 women across the region. Be a Soul Rich Woman. Dream to shine. Woman leader. Leader activated. Alone, you are strong. Together, we are unstoppable.