183: Soul Rich Kids And Money Action Plan Part 2

183: Soul Rich Kids And Money Action Plan Part 2

Soul Rich Kids And Money Action Plan Part 2

Raising the next generation of soul rich kids. Your kids are forming money beliefs now. They are soaking in everything like a sponge as you are teaching them about money consciously or unconsciously. How can we ensure that they have a better money mindset than we do? So today we are going on a treasure hunt.  What do you want to teach them? Get clear on what you want to teach your children about money. What values do you want to instill in them? Make that vision a part of your F-word life.   

There are a couple of categories that I've come up with. I hope that is something that can inspire you to put them in the right place. And of course, enjoy teaching your children as well.

Category 1: Discernment, talk to them about buying quality.
Category 2: Entrepreneurship, encourage your kids to start their own small business.
Category 3: Money, income and expenses, you can play Monopoly with them and talk about money.
Category 4: Personal development tools, allow them to be exposed about healing their money, their mindset at a younger age.

In this episode, key takeaways:

1. Only bring things into your life that bring you joy. 
2. Tell them about your business, what you do, and how you make money.
3. Encourage them to put their money into the Safe, Give and Spend buckets.
4. Teach them affirmations.
5. As a parent be a role model.

Key Resources:

Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset

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