176: Break this habit to create momentum to be a role model and inspire others
Genecia Alluora: Hey gorgeous. Welcome to this episode. In today's episode, I want to talk about your bullshit excuses. The excuses that is holding you back, the excuses that you say to yourself, you say to me sometimes, the excuses that you give to others. Basically anything that is called excuses.
Genecia Alluora: Now, if I were to quickly ask you why you can't be rich, what would be the first thing that pops into your head? Because we all have them, right? We all have excuses about why we are the exception to the rule, why we are the only one that this won't work for? Now, play along with me here, because trust me, you have them. You'll be surprised about what you can discover and when you have the awareness, you can clear it.
Genecia Alluora: Now, this is an exercise where you can write down or type it into your phone or just use a paper for this one. Now write it at the top, you write this sentence. I'm not allowed to be rich because right at the top, I'm not allowed to be rich because. Then you write down as many things as possible. Again, your logical mind will say, of course I'm allowed to be rich, Genesia.
Genecia Alluora: Why am I not allowed to be rich? Okay, humor me, okay? Write down anything and everything that's possible because your excuses will be very profoundly interesting and some will definitely sound ridiculous. So, as usual, it will be something for you to get started with and get going. So I remember I was in school, I had a very friend who is very tall and very beautiful.
Genecia Alluora: And she used to tell me that people under a certain height would never ever be successful in certain careers. She basically meant anyone under 1.75 CM, which was conveniently, her height. So I made up a story that I couldn't be reached because I'm too short. Even though I'm one point. I think I'm 1.3 or 1.4cm. I mean 1.4 meters tall? And then she's the 1.75.
Genecia Alluora: So I couldn't be rich because I'm short and I'm shorter than her. Therefore I cannot be rich. Which sounds ridiculous to me now because once I've cleared and released it, I won miss Singapore. DADA.
Genecia Alluora: I represent the Singapore in Japan. I represent the Singapore in Malaysia for different pageants and different competitions. Plus I forgave myself and even my friend for such a silly belief. All right, so ask yourself why I am not allowed to be rich. Maybe because you are lefthanded and you're creative and someone told you that artists never made any money.
Genecia Alluora: All left handed people are too creative and terrible with money. Maybe you have a story about the color of your skin. Surprise! And what that means is that you are not good with it. And what that means you cannot earn money, or you cannot have breakthrough in your F word.
Genecia Alluora: Or maybe you have a huge story about who you are or your gender, that you are not good with numbers. That you are just meant to marry someone and just be a childbirth tool. Maybe you have a story about your accent and that you're only allowed to be successful if English was your first language, right? So maybe your favorite excuse is that you're not ready and that you need more certificates and qualifications so you never do anything because you're always chasing after the next piece of paper instead of actually working with clients. Maybe you're single or maybe you're married, but you're using that as an excuse either way.
Genecia Alluora: Maybe you think you're too old or too thin, too young, not pretty enough, too fat, too introverted, too extroverted. Or if you just change your whole personality type, then you're worthy of making money. Maybe you think that you need plastic surgery and then if only you go through plastic surgery, you do your nose, you do your cheeks, you do your lips, whatever. And then you are worthy of making money. Maybe you are a single mom, single dad.
Genecia Alluora: And then you feel deep enough that it's not your turn to be rich because single parents are poor, right? That will help your kids do it because it's all about them now, not your dreams. Or maybe you think that people with families have it easier. Maybe you think that your parents screw you up so much and it's totally their fault that you can be rich. Maybe you think that nobody from your city or from your town or from your country can be rich or nobody around you can be rich.
Genecia Alluora: Maybe you've got a million bullshit excuses, but that's all they are. You are just as worthy as anyone else. I have even more examples of bullshit excuses. Maybe I'll just give you another five more. Are you ready? Five more.
Genecia Alluora: Okay. I'm not ambitious enough to be successful. I don't come from the right background. Nobody in my family is an entrepreneur. I have to work really hard for a really long time to be successful. If I'm not a millionaire by now, I should give up. Oh, I'm just too fat to do videos. I am too wrinkly with saggy skin to do any videos. Hey, English isn't even my first language.
Genecia Alluora: I don't even have to write zodiac sign or battle or even the right feng shui to be an entrepreneur. I feel like a fraud. Sometimes I think I'm too weird for people.
Genecia Alluora: Okay? So you can see there's a lot of excuses there. So the thing about money is that it's really about deserving. It's not like the most moral people in our planet have most money, is it? Wealthy people and rich people aren't perfect as well.
Genecia Alluora: You are just as worthy as anyone else. Spoiler alert. You are never going going to be perfect even with more money. Okay? Really?
Genecia Alluora: Because what comes down to this entire thing about setting up excuses is that we always think that we have to be perfect before we are allowed to show up in the world, to be visible, to make money. So I really need you to go and do this exercise about uncovering your bullshit excuses. And because when you recognize it, when you bring it up to your attention, you are aware of it. And that's when you can deal with it, you can clear it and by saying it out loud will lessen its power over you. And then of course you need to forgive.
Genecia Alluora: You need to release. You need to let go. Some of your excuses will have been related to a money story from your past. So you need to release that. Okay?
Genecia Alluora: So for example, you can do some tapping and say these statements to affirm. For example even though I don't look like a rich woman, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I was born in the wrong country, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I was born in the wrong family, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Say it out loud.
Genecia Alluora: Even though when you hear it, it sounds super ridiculous. Because no matter what, there is probably someone else out there who has achieved amazing things in spite of all the bullshit excuses that you are using. And guess what? If you cannot find a role model, you be that role model. Go be that role model for someone else.
Genecia Alluora: You can be the inspirational figure, the inspirational person to break through someone else's mindset. Because you rise up. Because you choose to be on this journey. I mean, you chance upon this audio program and you now are more aware. And because of that you can shatter and break your own self belief, break your own bullshit stuff.
Genecia Alluora: And because you did it and because you start to do it, you can show other women in your situation that they can do it too. You can be an inspiration, give yourself the permission to be rich and you inspire others to do so too. You can be an inspirational person. You can really help others with your story, with your journey. And that is why you have to get a podcast.
Genecia Alluora: You have to launch your own podcast show audio ones just like me. You can have your audio courses just like me. You can get on video, you can speak on stage and show up even if you think that you are not that kind, right? In the right state or the right kind of woman. Or you should wait until you've lost weight.
Genecia Alluora: Hey, it has to be now. Because other women need to see someone exactly like you. Be examples or find examples, or just be the example. No more excuses. Lastly, I've got a challenge for you.
Genecia Alluora: After this exercise. Straight after this, I want you to go to a mirror and look at yourself in the eye and say, this is what a rich woman looks like. This is what a soul rich woman looks like. Because together, we are redefining what rich and wealthy looks like. Not just me, but you too.
Genecia Alluora: How you define a soul rich woman. How you define rich woman? How you define wealthy? Being wealthy. Being rich, right?
Genecia Alluora: So you are what a rich woman looks like. So no more excuses, my dear. This is your time, and you are ready for the next step. Now, there are some questions that I have received from my students, okay? And I would like to address them in this episode as well.
Genecia Alluora: One of which is but I really do have a valid excuse, Genecia. Now, okay, I get you. Find someone in the world who has done what you do. Find someone who have overcome the enormous odds to achieve what you want to do. If you can find them, be the person for someone else.
Genecia Alluora: I mean, what's the alternative, right? That you would give up and not achieve your dreams? That's not possible. Because you can do it and I believe in you. Okay?
Genecia Alluora: The other question is there are people suffering in the world. Why should I be rich? Then my question to you is why shouldn't you be? Who do you help or who do you benefit by you being poor, broke, and stuck?
Genecia Alluora: Even going round and round in circles. Who do you serve and who do you help by staying stuck? So really get clear on your goals, including your giving and philanthropy goals. So that you can have clarity on how much the world can benefit by you having more money. Another question I get is. Genecia, I'm worried that the money will change me. Haha.
Genecia Alluora: If you are a monster now, you'll be a bigger monster with more money. True or true? If you're a nice person now, having more money will only amplify who you truly are.
Genecia Alluora: So my dear, don't worry about it. Plus, you can correct it if you find yourself becoming an angry, weird monster when you have more money. Okay? This can be changed, okay? So don't let this be an excuse.
Genecia Alluora: Money will only amplify who you are. So just tell yourself that you are deserving and it's safe for you to be rich. Another question that I got was my friends and family won't like me anymore if I'm rich. Okay? I hear that quite a lot.
Genecia Alluora: Especially when it comes to women charging premium prices for their business, for their products and service. Notice I talk a lot about charging premium prices, raising prices to charge what you're worth, because there's a lot of women who believe that if you become rich and you charge premium pricing, even though when you say you're helping people, you are a bad person, you are lousy, you are negative, right? So, honestly, some of your friends and family will be triggered by your income. Let's face it, because it's their income ceiling, right? That's their energy.
Genecia Alluora: And you are not bound by the energy. You are you. They are they. So you are not them. They are not you. So we just want to recognize that that's okay. Why hold yourself back? Just so other people can stay in their comfort zone? Listen closely. Why hold yourself back?
Genecia Alluora: So that you fit into their mold and that they can stay in their comfort zone. The best news is that you can be an inspiring role model for even more people. And when you become rich, you make more money, you charge premium pricing. You can do more things. You can create more change. You can inspire more people. So don't let this excuse hold you back. All right? So a quick recap. Okay, a quick recap.
Genecia Alluora: Come, let's do the recap now. Okay? So step one is to complete this sentence, I'm not allowed to be rich because? Okay? So you need to come up as many excuses as possible. Okay.
Genecia Alluora: Step number two is to get tapping and release it through EFT on each excuse, which is Emotion Freedom Technique. You can freestyle or try searching YouTube for the exact video on your situation. And like I said, get really specific.
Genecia Alluora: Okay? For example, even though I'm carrying extra weight and fat people like me can't be successful, I am deeply and completely loving and accepting myself. Even though I'm too short and not groomed enough to be successful, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I'm not perfect and I'm not ready yet, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. And as you say it out loud, you might even hear it, how ridiculous it sounds.
Genecia Alluora: Same thing. Clear it, let it go. Okay. Step three, give yourself permission. Now, this is where you need to give yourself permission to be rich or give yourself to be a soul rich woman.
Genecia Alluora: Then you also inspire others to do the same. Stand up and show up and be the role model that you want to see in the world, because other women need to see someone exactly like you. Step four, the mirror exercise. Go find a mirror, look yourself in the eye and say, this is what a rich woman looks like.
Genecia Alluora: This is what a soul rich woman looks like. We all come in all shapes and sizes. Rich woman look like us. A rich woman looks like you. So do this daily and you realize that you are just as capable of making money as anyone else.
Genecia Alluora: Step five go take action on something that you have been procrastinating on because you believed in your own bullshit excuses. For example, record your podcast. Batch your podcast. Record ten episodes of your podcast. Film a new video for your Facebook or for your TikTok or for whatever blogs that you are doing.
Genecia Alluora: Apply for a speaking gig. Apply to be a speaker on an event. Apply for an award. Nominate yourself for an award. Buy something that fits you now.
Genecia Alluora: Buy a bag that makes you feel like a million dollars. Make your website life even though it is not perfect. Reach out to someone crazy and ask for an interview or guest post. Send an email about one of your offerings, even if it's not perfect yet. Charge premium pricing for your products and services, even though you feel like it's not perfect yet.
Genecia Alluora: So give yourself the permission to be rich now, today, immediately, because this is your time and you are ready for your next step. All right, gorgeous, this is what I have for you today and I hope that by discovering your bullshit excuses, this episode is going to radically transform your life. I love you so much and sending you my love and I'll speak to you soon. Bye for now.