174: The technique that Tony Robbins use to influence his success

174: The technique that Tony Robbins use to influence his success

Genecia Alluora: Hey, gorgeous. Welcome back to this episode. In this episode, I want to talk about having anchors. This is something that I learned when I went through NLP, which is Neural Linguistic Programming. And after learning it, I have used a lot of anchoring techniques in anchoring positive stuff and also money affirmations and things like that to help me along.

Genecia Alluora: So as you're going through the journey of the program, listening to my audio, it's normal to start to feel a little bit about the stress that you are going to make it happen, the possibility and potential that you are going to make it happen, or you start to feel like you are never going to feel satisfied where you are. Especially when you learned about the concept of being able to upgrade to the next level. You learn that, in fact, you can own and love the F word. You can have everything fabulous, freedom, financial independence, happy family. And it suddenly become like as though it's never going to be enough.

Genecia Alluora: And there's always more to upgrade. There's more bags to buy, more shoes to buy, more business class that you want to travel in. Okay? I know what it feels like to be constantly dissatisfied where you are and impatient to move on, or disheartened by how far you've got to go.

Genecia Alluora: Especially if you are a perfectionist or if you are really hard on yourself or even when you just started on a business. At first you keep getting a lot of sales because there is a system and process to get you ongoing. But as you go along, you do it on your own, you start to feel the frustration and you get impatient. Why isn't that when you turn on the podcast, you launch a podcast episode every single week? Or you turn on your live stream, your camera and you do live streaming every single week and you're like, why isn't there more customers? Why is there more not more of this and more of that, right?

Genecia Alluora: So I want to say this, especially if you're a perfectionist and you constantly go very hard on yourself, you might not want to be constantly thinking about your goals or it feels a bit exhausting. So I'm going to show you how to really anchor in the lessons that we've learned so far. And don't worry about in terms of you forget about what you learned and stuff like that. It's part and parcel of growth and learning, okay?

Genecia Alluora: So I hope to help you to automate some of the good feelings so these can help you to move forward on your journey. You might not feel it at first, however, the work you've done so far has made a huge impact on your mindset. You must believe in that. Just believe that as long as you're willing to listen to my episodes, to these audios along to go through the entire program, you know what, it has already been begun. There is a seat that has been seeded within you in your mind and your soul.

Genecia Alluora: And that is why I love what I do. I am so excited about leaving that seed and planting that seed in your soul and in your mind so that well, I can help you and I add value into your life, right? Well, either way, learning to anchor yourself will help you to feel really grounded where you are and more motivated to take action on your goals. Now this is where the results start to really speed up, to create the momentum and I will hit for you to stop just when things are really starting to get interesting. And this is where the case is, isn't it?

Genecia Alluora: The paradox of law of attraction. You have to feel good where you are. At the same time, you have to give yourself permission to go to the next level. Because whenever you repeat the audios again, repeat the program again, and you will for many times. Each time a layer peels off just like a box of tissue paper, a bottomless one, every single tissue paper you pull out will heal a different layer of you, heal a different layer of the situation.

Genecia Alluora: And all these can be really helping you to create a really strong foundation to go from where you are now to where you want to be much, much faster. So, as I shared with you, I learned NLP many years ago, in fact in 2008 from this amazing trainer, Dr. Billy Quett. And he is such an amazing person and I learned that from him. And I use it to make so much money.

Genecia Alluora: I use it to make and help so many people, clients who are CEOs, directors of companies, even politicians. All right? So it's really my secret weapon that I use and repeat, rinse and repeat for many years. And it's one of my highly recommended program. If anyone were to upgrade, want to take another certification?

Genecia Alluora: Well, NLP is something that you can really consider, all right? And this anchoring technique is a common NLP technique to help you achieve your goals and immediately get you into a state of positivity and create motivation to take action. I often use anchoring in my earlier years when I was still fearful of public speaking and every time before I do a class of training, I used that anchor to anchor myself into the state, what we call the peak state. P-e-a-k, peak state and allow myself to perform at the peak where I was able to deliver the training, deliver my speech really well. So here in this program, we're going to go and come from it from all angles.

Genecia Alluora: And we want to create visual anchors, auditory ones. It means something that you hear emotional anchors as well as physical ones. That means you are kinastatic and then you need some touch. We will do that as well. It is one of the laziest way.

Genecia Alluora: In fact, it is also in a good way and the most efficient way to manifest because you don't really have to work hard at it. I prefer automating my anchors so that I don't have to be in the mood to manifest. I don't have to be in the stick to manifest. However, I create many moments in my day where I'm reminded either consciously or unconsciously, to work on my goals. Think of it as a positive brainwashing brain training method.

Genecia Alluora: I've got tons of examples for you and I want to give you some of my favorite positive anchors so you can explore and see how it works for you. Now, the basic ones that everyone should do is to change your passwords to a positive goal. It could be something you are working on right now, like an income goal. So instead of password being like angel one two, three, exclamation mark, it could be six figures now, exclamation mark and question mark because you need to have the different numeric and then the upper case and the lower case and the numbers right to make a difference in your password stronger. And when you have a motivating password, you will get a kind of like a reminder every time you key it in consciously or unconsciously, which could be dozens of times a day.

Genecia Alluora: And this really adds up. Especially if you're not someone who remembers to journals your goals or write it down. And even if you write it down, you keep forgetting because you don't revisit at all. So things that is easy, like in your surroundings, something that you have to deal with every single day, even password on your mobile phone really helps too. So just make sure that they are the same and don't go and put some mixed messages to the universe by having your income goals be all different.

Genecia Alluora: Like for example, one password is six figure income. Now the other one is 100,000, the other one is 5000, the other one is 3000. It turned out to be so confusing, right? For all your different passwords together. It's like sending all the mixed messages and hoping to get one single outcome and you know for sure that's not going to happen, right?

Genecia Alluora: So another popular one that I use is to put pop up reminders. I'm not sure whether you are using an iPhone or Android phone. Doesn't matter, you can do a pop up reminder. So like for example, I have different ones set up for different times of the day to say something like congratulations on selling your next book as you are a publishing superstar. Congratulations.

Genecia Alluora: Your podcast listenership has hit a million downloads and you are a podcast superstar, right? So it is very important that you set reminders like this. You may not be setting so long, can be really short one. Like for example congratulations for hitting your six figure dollar business, right? So it's really super easy to do.

Genecia Alluora: Okay, like I said, there are two simple actions your password and your phone pop up. Because this is something that's very visual that's around you, just easy and it will have a huge impact on your ability to manifest because you're creating like daily anchors to your goals every single day without even thinking about it. So before you know it, you start to act in slightly different ways. It's like planting a seed in your subconscious mind and training your brain to look for the 1% improvement that really adds up. So if you believe it, you can achieve it.

Genecia Alluora: So your anchors can also be jewelry like a specially engraved ring or a mantra band where they can be visual representations like your dream boards or something that's symbolic to you.

Genecia Alluora: When you see it, you are reminded of your goal. Like, for example, when I wear sandstone. When I wear sandstone, it reminds me of being powerful as a leader, I can receive my feminine leadership to go to the next level. So wearing sunstone as a crystal bracelet for myself brings forth visual anchors, right? And wearing modivite.

Genecia Alluora: Modivite is one of another crystal that I carry with me as well. Motivate symbolizes for me the strength and courage to break through all difficulties currently. So you can use even crystals as a way to have visual representations in your jewelry. Okay? Another way is you can create auditory cues, like listening to subliminal meditation or subliminal messages while you work, or positive uplifting music in your car.

Genecia Alluora: Or you can create special sense, like special smell sense that remind you of your goals, like a fancy candle or incense. Like, for me, I love cinderellood, right? When I smell sandalwood, I just imagine myself in this really nice, fancy place that I own, things like that. So it's kind of creating that experience through multiple touch points, through your senses. What you see, what you hear, what you touch, what you smell, what you taste, and that you can't overdose.

Genecia Alluora: Okay? We want to use absolutely everything and anything to get you into a state of positivity. Because when you're feeling positive, you tend to act in positive ways and becomes a self fulfilling positive cycle. Because you are feeling positive, you will be able to have more power, personal power, to break through your goals. So another way you can anchor in your goals is to practice receiving them.

Genecia Alluora: Years ago, when I bought my dream car, a BMW Five Series, I would visit amazing cars and just go to different car workshops or places that sells cars, right? And I will just sit in them and go for a test drive. I will set down all these energetic roots into the experience and imagining in the moment what it feels like to own such a luxury car. I was driving a van when I first started my career, and even though I was Miss Singapore, I was driving a van that I bought for $30,000. And to drive a BMW Five Series in the favorite color, purple or maroon color is with a white leather, beige leather, Benji leather.

Genecia Alluora: Wow, nice leather smell. It's totally a dream come true for me. And eventually I got it. I bought myself that car. I paid for that car.

Genecia Alluora: So you must take a few minutes to see, feel and smell the reality of your goal. And it's enough to embed that into your subconscious. Plant a seed, which makes it easier to imagine for yourself that is real. So it's just like setting down an energetic pin like you do when you're using your GPS or your phone in built map software. It's like an anchor point so you can set the course of your life to be aligned with your goal.

Genecia Alluora: You can also use Visualization to do the same thing. And while you're totally into the vision of your perfect house, your perfect body, your perfect day, your perfect car, your perfect husband, whatever that may be, you set down the energy in different spaces into that vision. So it feels really real for you in your body. I actually love to use Visualizations. Okay?

Genecia Alluora: So that way is really a great anchor and I don't really have to think about it. It's a very powerful tool. Celebrate your wins. No matter how small it is. This is particularly important if you never feel satisfied.

Genecia Alluora: You have got a family that doesn't compliment you. You don't acknowledge yourself. You never compliment yourself. And you're always looking for the next win without acknowledging how far you've come. I have been on the path before.

Genecia Alluora: I've always been chasing the win, the next win, the next win, and forgetting to celebrate my own success. Sometimes I feel like I'm a complete failure. Even though I have made my $1 million, I have started a cafe retail chain. I've done this. I've exited the business, sold to a public listed company.

Genecia Alluora: All these I've done. But I've never really acknowledged it. I sometimes forget to acknowledge my wins and I become bitter or negative sometimes because I just keep going for the next one. Never satisfied, right? So it's important to celebrate every win because it's worth it.

Genecia Alluora: You can tell yourself, this is my new normal. Well done. This is my new normal. More of this, please send me. Send it to me Universe. This is for me. My time is now. So it's worth celebrating every win. So it becomes a part of your new self identity.

Genecia Alluora: You embed each layer of success into who you truly are. And you create a strong foundation to receive more without sabotaging it or thinking it was just fake. Remember, the universe can only give you what you already are. And that is why gratitude is probably my favorite anchoring technique ever. Having a practice of gratitude each night will immediately shift your perspective into one where you are happy and where you are at, and therefore being able to open to receive more.

Genecia Alluora: So here's your anchoring assignment right now. I want you to implement three of the anchors straight away. Choose the easiest ones for you right now. And I really suggest doing the automatic ones. So you only have to do it once.

Genecia Alluora: Like the passwords and the visual anchors, that is the pop up and things like that. Well, these are going to make the biggest long term impact. Now imagine if you have started with these three and then added a new one each week. So they are 52 weeks, right? So imagine what just a 1% extra motivation and positivity could do for you.

Genecia Alluora: It's all going to add up. Remember, every day you improve 1%. After 365 days, you will improve 365% and this will create massive long term results. Plus, for added accountability, you can share with me, of course, which anchors you've chosen, and then you can email me at hello@soulrichwoman.com. Each time you enroll someone else into your dream is another anchor. Each time you share, you give yourself the permission to believe that it's possible for you as well.

Genecia Alluora: All I can say is be brave. Take yourself out of your comfort zone and go through another level in creating and owning your F-word. Fabulous freedom, financial independence, and happy family. You deserve it all. All right, take care of yourself and I will speak to you soon. Bye for now.

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