167: Let's visit our dark side of Money Stories - Our Negative Consequences

167: Let's visit our dark side of Money Stories - Our Negative Consequences

Genecia Alluora: Hello Dodges. Welcome to today's episode. Today we are going to the dark side, to the shadows side. But don't worry, it's not going to be scary at all. We are going to talk about this thing called the negative consequences or what we call the unintended negative consequences sequences.

Genecia Alluora: When we are about to break through, we want to close the gap. We want to go from where we are now to where we want to be much, much faster. Sometimes these unintended negative consequences comes forth to haunt you or maybe it could be an illusion as well. So you probably noticed here in Soul Rich Woman we are not afraid to say what it is and discover our real thoughts and feelings about money or owning our F-word, which is fabulous freedom, financial independence and happy family. Because what's the point of pretending to be positive all the time when underneath you there's a lot of current and you don't feel that way.

Genecia Alluora: So it's actually harder to embark on the path to manifest the life you want to own and love your F-word. If you just go on the surface of Affirmations, you go through coaching or mentoring, but we never deal with stuff that is hidden under or slipped under the carpet and we don't get to the root cause of the problem. I believe you've probably been there yourself and which is why sometimes what you think you want, what you say you want and what the heart really wants is three different directions. And because of that, you get quickly exhausted by the positivity as well as the frustration that things are not working quickly enough or not just working out for you from for you to get from stuck to unstoppable or to go from where you are now to where you want to be even with coaching, even with mentoring.

Genecia Alluora: You might wonder why sometimes you get so much resistance, so much blockages, so much hidden stuff that suddenly comes out and scares you. Or maybe you procrastinate doing really simple things in your business that will make you money. Well, in that moment, your fear is greater than desire. Your fear is greater than your desire. Your pain, your negative is greater than what your heart really wants.

Genecia Alluora: And you can't wish harder or say a million more affirmations, positivity, watch a few more videos or listen to a few more episodes of what I'm going to share with you and hope that more of the Positivity will come to you without dealing with the real stuff. I would say even in mentorship and coaching a lot of the women tell me, oh, you know, I want to add on my Positivity, say a lot of Affirmations. But you know what? In a situation as this, you can wish harder and you must admit that the underlying truth that feels scary but is actually incredibly liberating. The personal development industry tells you that you have to fake being positive or fake it until you make it.

Genecia Alluora: Sometimes they'll tell you that you attend the program and then you feel so hyped up and then you just want the adrenaline rush and just keep going and just keep going. And that you have to be 100% focused on the good stuff so that you're a good person. But the truth of the matter is that it does not do you any help at all. It does not really help you in any way because you never deal with the real deep dark shadow fears and feelings. They are underneath the deep hidden currents of feelings, fears, emotions and you never deal with them.

Genecia Alluora: But you know what? That's where the real gold is. That's where the real thing is for us to discover this precious stuff that we can work with. So until you really know what those fierce shadows, crazy hidden stuff are, you will just think it's a surface problem. Like I'm not qualified enough, I'm not good enough.

Genecia Alluora: Maybe because of my environment, because of my parents, maybe it's the government, it's the economy right now. Maybe it's COVID-19. No, your fears are greater than your desire. So it's okay to be negative if it's for a good cause. You are not going to stay there long anyway, just enough to peel back a few more layers of your money mindset.

Genecia Alluora: And today I'm going to teach you a form of mental and emotional decluttering that will clear your money channels and so that you can neutralize some of your sabotaging behaviors that is stopping you from owning and loving your F word, fabulous freedom, financial independence, happy family, and most importantly, your money, money, money. And the results will be liberating. It's very simple, it's super simple. But it's one of the things we will resist the most temporarily going into the negative mindset. And the downsides of becoming rich, becoming wealthier, becoming a rich woman or soul rich woman, we are going to go down that rabbit hole of negativity and the downsides of it.

Genecia Alluora: Now this what we call the soul rich woman problems. But basically it's about digging deeper than you have ever had been about your fears. No matter how big or how small about making more money is to you. Get it? No matter how big or how small making money is to you and getting very specific about them. Because we all have our own personal fears that stops us from moving forward.

Genecia Alluora: The first thing I want to say, that you are not going to attract bad money if you acknowledge your fears. You're not going to attract bad energy if you acknowledge your fears. In fact, by the fact that you're willing, the universe is going to move for you. And just by revealing these fears shadows or whatever you have, you can declutter them. Because what you can see you can do right out of sight, out of mind.

Genecia Alluora: But if you bring forth to your visual to your visual to reveal them, then that's when we can work with them. We can heal them, we can declutter them. So let's talk about negative consequences or the negative things that can happen to you if you become rich, become wealthier, become a soul rich woman and achieving everything on your dream board in your F-word. So let's talk about everything related to you becoming the effort that you want. The fabulous, the freedom, the financial independence, the happy family.

Genecia Alluora: Let's talk about this and then you might think Genesia. Of course I want my dreams and my F-word to come true. If not, why I look for you? Why wouldn't I? If not, why am I here, attending your program, listening to your audio, coming to your courses, getting you as my coach and mentor?

Genecia Alluora: Okay, cool. Chill. Well, why do you get these resistance around doing simple things that you know that you should? Why do you cybertouch yourself? Listen closely. If you set it is, then why do you still get resistance around doing simple things that you know that you should? Why do you sabotage yourself? Why do I do it too every single time I hit a new income plateau.

Genecia Alluora: Why do I do it too every time I hit a new space where I'm about to break through to the next level? Because we are unconsciously afraid of the negative consequences of our goals. Listen closely. Because we are unconsciously afraid of the unintended, the negative consequences of our goals.

Genecia Alluora: We think that there could be downsides that outweigh the positive. So when we hold ourselves back and unconsciously sabotage ourselves from taking action. So if you uncover some of these negative consequences, acknowledge them, clear them, and if necessary, plan for them, you have just cleared the channels for the universe so that the universe can send you the money to pay for your goals, your dreams, your fabulous, your freedom, your financial independence and your happy family. Plus, you'll find this a great antidote to procrastination, a great medicine to relieve procrastination. Procrastination is a sort of pain, isn't it?

Genecia Alluora: Procrastination is a vague sort of pain, right? It's hard to articulate why you're procrastinated on the task or something that you want to do or what you're really worried about. It's like something is holding you back. And this procrastination feels really real. Let me give you an example.

Genecia Alluora: So let's say you are procrastinating to launch a podcast or to write your book and you don't know why. But every time you sit down to write your podcast or prepare your podcast or even to write your book, you've got a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. You can't let this project go because it means so much to you. But yet the resistance is real. Now, I know of many people whose books or podcasts or their book proposals are like 90% done.

Genecia Alluora: I even know someone who has a publisher chasing her only if she complete that thing so that her book gets published. I had one client who signed up for a five figure project book publishing program. Three years into the program, she still has not published a book. She came to me for mentorship and I kicked her ass. Make her look at her procrastinations about writing the book, writing the book proposal, finishing up all the steps in that five figures program, book publishing program that she signed up for.

Genecia Alluora: And then we completed that within a single year and her book was published eventually. So you know what, darling? If you are really honest with yourself, what's the worst thing that could happen if you publish a book and it was a success, right? Your logical brain will say nothing. That's exactly what I want.

Genecia Alluora: Yes. But if your desire was greater than your fear, then it will be done, right? So there are fears to uncover. Maybe you're scared of being famous. What are some of the downsides to fame and success? Really let yourself go there getting dramatic. Go and kind of play it out in your mind. Because only through going down this rabbit hole of afraid fears, then the universe can help you to achieve your goals because the universe wants to help you to achieve your goals. So there must be some reason why you can't bring yourself to do it. I want you to dig deep.

Genecia Alluora: Some of the great examples I've seen are loss of privacy, your friends will be jealous, you outshine one of your earliest mentors. You'll be found out as a fraud. Sounds familiar. Really? Go down the hole. Go there. And you'll discover that when you allow yourself to acknowledge the fears, there are many reasons why you're holding yourself back and you are unknowingly protecting yourself from all the negative stuff from happening.

Genecia Alluora: And until we uncover the negatives, you are always going to be fighting against yourself. And always those vague feelings of why I cannot get my things together, why I'm always stuck, why I cannot go from stuck to unstoppable, even though I already got a mentor. I got so many things that I want to do, and for my dreams, my vision board set up, why can't I get my shit together? So, yes, this is where I come in, right? Okay, so you got to think of your most meaningful goal you are working towards right now and see if you can get up to 20 negative consequences for a situation of the goal that you want.

Genecia Alluora: Okay? I call this a soul rich woman problem because you want to become a soul. You want to be rich, you want to be wealthy, you want to earn your F-word. Own and love F-wordt, right? And all these things comes and haunt you and pull you back. So you got to think about the most meaningful goal of your F word that you're working towards right now and see if you can get up to at least 20 negative consequences.

Genecia Alluora: All right? Ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen? Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen? All right, what are the negative potential negative financial implications? How will it impact other people in my life?

Genecia Alluora: What would be my worst nightmare? Just when you think you can't think anymore, try and write five more things. And if you think that there are none, my dear, dig deeper. There must be reason why your dreams and your goals are not manifested yet, or the income that you want has not manifested yet, has not come true yet. And if you still think that you don't have any, dig deeper.

Genecia Alluora: That will be the only way, because this is valuable information to find and to clear. Because when you are not clear or you don't even see it, you don't even know it, or you're not even aware of it, that's when everything is going to be messy. And therefore, this valuable information is for you to clear and throw and be in the spirit of throwing everything at it deeper. The more you uncover, the more easier for you to clear some of these fears. All right?

Genecia Alluora: So I want to say this. You really need to go into these negative consequences. Because no matter how silly you think some of yours are or you're you might think that could be just what my mind has made up. But after 20 years of coaching and mentoring women in different industries, I really can see that there is no such thing as silly. There's no such thing as bad.

Genecia Alluora: All right? The only way for us to change and transform our life, to build a business in our life we love, the only way for us to do that is to clear our negative consequences. Then the only way to clear our negative consequences is to go deep and dig into our negative consequences. Go to the dark side. It will be so liberating for you.

Genecia Alluora: Take a massive leap forward, all right? Don't be resisting it. And then if you have unacknowledged fears, just face it. Don't be afraid to go to the dark side and uncover any potential negative consequences of making money or upgrading something in your life. Remember, it's just valuable information to clear and unlock what's holding you back. Knowing your worst fears, no matter how small, how trivial, or how unrealistic, is extremely powerful. Recognize them and release them. And trust me, you will be one step closer to removing every single obstacle in your way.

Genecia Alluora: Confirm the job. Now, by now. Okay? So pause this audio and then go find and dig up your 20 fears or 20 dark sides or your 20 negative consequences. Go ahead and pause this audio. Okay, welcome back to this part of the audio. So by now you have come up with 20 fears or actually been so paralyzed with the thought that you have no fears, no negative consequences. You know what? That's okay too. Because in this journey and this program is all about changing your awareness and you don't have to do all these exercises perfectly to get your AHA moments. You need to make a difference in your life to own and love the F-word.

Genecia Alluora: So the question will be what do you do with all these fears? You might actually be afraid that adding up all these fears means that you are going to chase away your goal. Not at all. Okay? That's not the truth. However, when you see it all there in black and white, it will actually give you more clarity and more information whether or not you even want to achieve the goal at all. Whether or not you want and really want to achieve your F word at all. And it's okay if you don't. You might decide that the negative far outweighs the positive and is actually okay to release the goal and never give it a second thought.

Genecia Alluora: Now, this gives you a gift of dissentment. Now this exercise gives you a gift of clarity, a gift to enhance the ability to figure out which one is which. Do you even really want that goal now weighing up everything? Do you still want it? Most of the time, the answer is yes.

Genecia Alluora: So now that's where the real work starts. I want you to go look at your list of negative consequences and tick off some easy wins. Now, do you need to add people to your forgiveness list? Are there some money memories that you need to clear and release now that you have seen some old story that is dictating your future or deciding your future? So remember, you need to learn to forgive, forgive, forgive.

Genecia Alluora: So it's easy to turn your list of fears into your personal kind of forgiveness and healing script just by reading it out. And even though I have this fear of becoming famous, so famous that my ex boyfriends will sell their stories to the media or the trashy tabloids and I deeply love and respect myself, okay? For example, even though I have this fear of becoming so famous that my ex boyfriends sell their stories to trashy media outlets, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. And even though my friends will think I am a snobbish rich person for having charged premium pricing for my products and services, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though my friends will think I am irritating rich, soul rich woman for having the business of my dreams, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I'm afraid that my multi-million dollar condominium will fall into the sea or goy swiped away by a tsunami. I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Genecia Alluora: So you have the tools to deal with those fears now, but let's take it one step further. For some of the fears you can put together a practical plan so that you know it's handled. You can write it down somewhere, you can put it into your notes, you need to deal with it and kind of like move it to a completed list so that when you close the loop, it no longer haunt you and you can free up your energy to get the goal done. To move closer from where you are now to where you want to be much, much faster. To own and love your F-word to become the soul rich woman that you desire to be.

Genecia Alluora: So let's say your goal is a multi million dollar condominium and you come up with fears like what if the roof caves in? Or what if my friends stay there and then they destroy the house? This sounds crazy, right? But it's true. It is very real. Don't laugh at these examples because it's very real. I want you to pick your top three fears and have a simple plan for it. You don't need to know all the details right now but you just want to tell your amazing fearful brain that it's handled. For example, you can buy really great house insurance so that you can easily deal with maintenance problems for the million dollar house. Or you can build a room, just have a guest room when your friends come over to stay so they will not destroy your very beautiful house and make it messy for you.

Genecia Alluora: So these are just ways or your way of reassuring the part of you that freaks out, that goes down the negative consequences every time you take your action on your goal. Remember, these little things just say I get it, has been handled, is already taken care of. So these actions are kind of like symbolic for you to say it's already taken care of, I've got it. So you need to close all these open loops either by clearing it with the tools that I provided for you or having practical solutions that means that you can park that fear for some time in the future.

Genecia Alluora: And once all of that has cleared or is cleared, when you have either cleared or planned for all of the negative consequences, you can go forth and take more inspired actions clutter free towards your effort that you desire. And lastly, when you find yourself procrastinating again, this is where mantras come in really handy. You can start by saying like it's safe for me to, safe for me to fill in the blank. For example, it's safe for me to be a podcaster. It's safe for me to be a published author.

Genecia Alluora: It's safe for me to be award winning entrepreneur. It's safe for me to be nominated to be winning or receiving an award. It's safe for me to be visibly wealthy. It's safe for me to charge premium pricing. It's safe for me to be rich. It's safe for me to be a soul rich woman. It's safe for me to have all my dreams come true. It is safe for me right now. And notice, it is safe for you to have all your dreams come true. It is safe for you to own and love your F word. Fabulous freedom, financial independence, and happy family.

Genecia Alluora: So remember, when you're feeling stuck, it's because you haven't uncovered your true fears and feelings yet. Even with mentorship, even with coaching, it's okay that you are stuck. You are still stuck. And this is a time when you need to get recognized and really go to the dark side. And I'm here, and we are here to support you to move through it. All right, gorgeous. Take care of yourself and looking forward. See you in the next episode.

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