Genecia Alluora: Hey, gorgeous. Today we start the radical transformation of your money mindset. Welcome to today's episode about money, memories and forgiveness. Now, you have made the best decision to embark on transforming your mindset, especially around money. Because that's when you can truly be living the purpose of a soul rich woman.

Genecia Alluora: And every time you uncover a new layer, you will see results in your bank account. You probably had a few big AHAs as you listened to some of my audios previously or just being in my community. Remember, just 1% of the tweaks can make a huge difference in your business and your life. Improving 1% every single day means you improve 365% in a single year. So yeah, we are going to get to some of your root issues around money.

Genecia Alluora: The fact is, we can't blame your parents, your clients, the economy, or the politicians. We can't even blame your friends, even though that's where most of your money stuff came from your parents. We have too soon to go to the origin stories to some of your beliefs around money. As soon as you see these in black and white, some of your money behaviors will totally make sense. Think of this first assignment as an inventory of every single money memory you can think of, because these memories have likely informed or influenced you in your current thoughts and feelings about money.

Genecia Alluora: Together with the tools I will share with you on my program, doing this inventory is a great way to really discover, dig out and uncover some of the limiting beliefs holding you back from living a truly abundant f word life, fabulous freedom, financial independence, and happy family. Now, when I say every single memory, you don't have to do this all in one sitting, okay? You can start with some really obvious, easy to recall and symbolic ones or experiences from the past. And then as you go along through the program, you will start to remember some of those more subtle ones. Remember, this is a list of a document that is constantly growing as you recall and collect all these as a space for you to kind of look at this inventory and you will keep adding to this over time.

Genecia Alluora: So no need to overcomplicate stuff and think that you have to complete within one setting. It's really very simple, okay? So you can write it in your journal, that's what I recommend. Or type it into your mobile phone or find a notepad to key it in. Make a list of every single memory you have around money because your current attitudes to it wealth is influenced by a lot of people.

Genecia Alluora: The books you read, the songs you listen to, the movies you watch, the friends you hang out with, your family, your friends, the TV, whatever that may be. However, particularly situations or incidents that happen during your childhood. Now, this is not one of those blame your parents things and then you point your finger at them and say this is all your fault. No, we are not moving in that direction, okay? It is a way of uncovering and digging out any mental or emotional clutter you are holding on around money.

Genecia Alluora: And those things are definitely better out than in because what you see you can remember and then you can deal with it, okay? We can actually heal them. You'll be shocked at what else you will release when you let go of some of these old stories. Memories might start to pop up already as we go along this chapter. But if you want some ideas, you can continue to listen to this audio for some prompts for you.

Genecia Alluora: So here's what you can do go through your life chronologically and think of your earliest moments around money. Mentally go through your life and see what situations come to mind. Here's an example of how to write things down. It could be a specific example like when my brother fought with me over a toy and my parents scolded me because I didn't want to share. I'm working on that one. Or it could be a general one. Like my father always said that money doesn't grow on trees.

Genecia Alluora: It could have been a dramatic situation like a major divorce or a major quarrel in your family. Or it could be a really simple specific conversation where you heard something negative about money. It could be your parents'attitudes towards money and how they talk about rich people or poor people. It could be your peers attitudes towards money, how they talk about people who charge premium pricing for their products and services. It also could be your peers and friends'attitudes towards money, how they gossip about others who make money by charging other people the price that they feel is good for them.

Genecia Alluora: It could be memory related to what they did with their money. It could be memory related to what you did or what the parents did with their money. It also could be memory related to what your friends or husband or wife did with their money. It also could be a family story or family motto like, we'd rather be poor and happy.

Genecia Alluora: Once you've mined or collected your childhood, you can also go through all your relationships, like your current partners and all your exes. Well, there will be some juicy memories there. Exactly what conversations did you have around money? What arguments did you have around money? Go through your old bosses, your old jobs, your old clients.

Genecia Alluora: What conversations did you have around salary, pay increase, worth, et cetera? Are there any old work situations that you sometimes still think about? Or sometimes any old client conversations that you sometimes still think about? I honestly still think about one of my bosses when I was still working as an occupational therapist sometimes because she was so unsupportive of the things that I did. So anything that you're still obsessing with and anything that you're still obsessing about is something for you to write down on your money memories list.

Genecia Alluora: Now, this could be a memory also from school. For me, I was often being bullied in school because I was not good looking. I had really short hair, I was very tomboyish, plus the fact that I was supporting myself through school and financially. My family were not sound, so I had a lot of hand me downs, I wasn't carrying new stuff, and often I was being mocked at school. And sometimes they throw my things and they'll say nasty or mean things to me. So could that be something that made you judge yourself about money or something a teacher or another of your classmates said to you about money? What do you decide about rich women?

Genecia Alluora: This is a very interesting piece. What did other people in your family think about rich people? What did you decide or your peers decide about rich women? Notice I said women. What do you decide about that? And what did the peers around you decide about rich women and women who are rich because they charge premium pricing in their products and services? What do you decide about rich women who charge premium pricing for their products and services? What did you decide about rich women who dress up and behave in the way they behave? What did other people in your family think about rich people, rich women, rich men?

Genecia Alluora: So you're going to find many interesting situations. I want you to write it all down. Now, even the process of writing out will be quite interesting. I will use the word interesting, but you are going to see some really interesting patterns. Really interesting. And your first AHA might be how you are living your life based on those memories. Some of these situations have created your current relationship with money. It could be how your current relationship with money in business or your current relationship with money with yourself, or your current relationship with money with your partner.

Genecia Alluora: Some of your beliefs have come not from reality but from seemingly insignificant situations. I remember when my brother got a camera once for Christmas and even though I was the one who asked for it and I'm like, hey, from this situation I decided on a story. I'm never allowed to have what I want because in Asian family the boys and the men get what they want. The girls are nothing in the family. Girls have no status in Asian families. So I decided on that. Therefore, I tell myself I'm going to be really disappointed if I want something because whatever my brother asked for, he got it and whatever I asked for, I didn't get it and instead my father will get it for him.

Genecia Alluora: So guess how that impacted me as an adult. I was always disappointed and found ways to sabotage my success all the time. You might have heard that money is dirty or money is vanity. A mandarin is called Aimu shirong. So often as a child. I heard that all the time. Because we wanted to make more money, because we wanted to do stuff. Well that is deeply ingrained in us, that money is not good for us, that money isn't nice, that it is not good to make money, not good to like money and you are doing something wrong just by wanting to earn it. Sometimes you hear people say oh, this person charged premium pricing, this person must be greedy. Anyway, this program only worth $10. Why must this person charge $10,000?

Genecia Alluora: Or you will hear things like, oh, I think this one is only worth maybe free and the person is charging $30,000, which is not true, but it's hurt through your years by somebody in grading such that money is not nice, that people who charge premium pricing are greedy and they are not supposed to do it. And that's how they affect you running your business. You dare not charge premium pricing because you are afraid that people will say you are greedy. What's wrong for making money when you're doing business? What's wrong for making profits when you're running a business is it not legit.

Genecia Alluora: So all these comes from the people who talk things around you, your parents, your peers. So write all these things down, don't neglect and don't miss out. How about that? Your family have a motto, something that everyone sees maybe as a source of pride, right? So there's a lot of things that people can say. Like one of my family motto was saying that to be nice is important, but it's important to be nice. So I always try to be polite and try to be a nice girl. Don't step out of the boundaries. You don't rock the boat. If nothing is broken, don't fix it.

Genecia Alluora: So all these things are potential disruptions or blockages in you and therefore we need to identify them. So these little sayings might not seem might seem innocent, not say not innocent. Those little sayings that you hear all the time might seem so innocent. They are just a remark, just a comment. It's nothing. In your mind it's nothing. But when subconsciously you are living it, you are not achieving your F-word, Fabulous freedom, financial independence, happy family, charging premium pricing, making a lot of money, this and that, that means to a certain extent, it has a huge impact.

Genecia Alluora: So, for example, if a parent said things like, oh, money burnts a hole in your pocket. Because once you spend all your money on suites or McDonald's, and then you might still be living that story today. One of our clients dad said to her, if you become an actress or a beauty queen, you'll never make a single cent. And guess what? She didn't until she worked through it. So can you see how stories can really impact your life? How those little micro decisions that you make as a young girl or even as a young adult or adult now can actually impact your money today?

Genecia Alluora: It could be impacting the prizes that you set for your business because someone told you that creative people never make money, or entrepreneurs are greedy, or women who charge premium pricing to other women are greedy, or women who charge other women money when they say they are running a female entrepreneur network are greedy. Have you heard that before? Plenty of times. That is why it's key to uncover as many money memories as possible, especially the symbolic ones that still impact your life until today. So today's assignment for you, really and truly, from the bottom of my heart, when you get started on clearing your money blocks it's to list everything down. Like I said, this list is a list that is dynamic. You keep adding on to them because only when you see it, you can deal with them, you can clear it, you can heal it. So look out for these memories and the prompts that can remind you of something that is really important.

Genecia Alluora: If really something comes, really big comes to mind, share it. Write to me. Hello@soulrichwoman.com. Write to me. Hello@soulrichwoman.com. Sometimes articulating a situation to others helps you to see it in a different light. It could be a big light, but moment about a small situation from your past. And please don't be embarrassed. Don't feel shame. Don't feel like you're being judged. Because we are here to help you move through it. I'm here to work with with you and guide you through it. Don't feel ashamed of it. I have been there, I have done that, and I'm still working on it. Okay? Because we want to go to the next level of our life.

Genecia Alluora: So it's very important to pull the right string that untangles everything. Instead of leaving there hiding under the blanket, or hiding under the carpet, or shoving under the bed and pretend not seeing it, then you will not be able to clear it. So it's definitely worth doing this. Okay? So my suggestion to you is start with five memories at least. Really? Don't tell me you don't have any. There must be something. At least five, darling. Five. Okay, but if you just get one of AHAs this exercise, okay, so be it. At least you have one, right? But my dear 5, right? It's enough to shift things in the way you do money.

Genecia Alluora: All right? So after you realize, you realize that you have some memories you don't have or some of it is still hidden. Well, don't worry. You can take your time to dig it all out. And as you realize, after a few memories, it's probably no wonder that you have blocks around money. We all do. Okay? I have gone for money. And you? I have gone for landmark education. I have gone for psychology of vision. And I work a lot on myself. So I just want to share with you. Humans are meaning making machines. We like to make meaning out of the smallest things.

Genecia Alluora: So the first thing to do is to have compassion for yourself, for the stories that you have created about these situations. Because your stories have become your reality up to now. But it doesn't have to be that way going forward. Because you have me and you have my program. And I'm going to be really real and honest with you here. Now that you're exposed to this concept, you cannot use these as an excuse anymore. I repeat, you can't use them as an excuse anymore.

Genecia Alluora: Because I used to have this story that because I grew up poor, I could not justify doing things in my business. Because I could justify my background prevented me from being successful. Yeah, because I grew up poor, right? 14 years old. Support myself through school, work, and study at the same time. 05:00 a.m. Wake up in the morning, go to school. By the time I finish school. Twelve 01:00 p.m.. I go for my extra curricular activity until 05:00 p.m.. I took a short break. Couldn't even eat proper meal because I could teach aerobics and yoga classes at 07:00 p.m. And then usually have two classes to teach almost every single day. My life goes on and by the time I reach home it was almost twelve midnight and I still haven't completed my homework and that made my life so bad.

Genecia Alluora: And I told myself story that because I grew up like this, well, I wouldn't be able to do this in my business because I was like that, this story prevented me from being successful. I could use the story to justify why I am not successful which is total bullshit. So what did you decide about your ability to receive money? That you're not responsible? Or is it unethical for you to make money? Or because it's greedy for you to make money? Or because your peers have gossiped about others and make you feel very uncomfortable? If you do make money, you will make them uncomfortable and you'll be left out from the group.

Genecia Alluora: Or that it's actually even possible for you to do it. Now, one of the biggest tools I always talk about in my program to clear all these memories to heal, is the power of forgiveness. If I was allowed just one personal development tool for the rest of my life, I would choose forgiveness. I always say this I love myself and I set myself free. This is my time and I'm ready for the next step. And if I'm allowed to bring two tools to an island and nothing else, I would choose forgiveness and EFT. Emotion freedom Technique and that's why in my program we always talk about forgiveness and tapping.

Genecia Alluora: Because forgiveness releases you from the memory and it's not really about the other person. Like I said, it's not eating the poison and hoping the other person will die. It's more like kind of discharging all the emotional stuff relating about the memory so that you're release of the burden. Forgiveness is a gift that you can give yourself. Simple as that.

Genecia Alluora: And when it comes to your money, forgiveness creates miracles. It allows you to choose a new empowering money story for yourself in order for you to break through your own F-word. And it's the best form of energetic decluttering. And we know that when you declutter all the stuff that doesn't work, it opens up your money channels. It's like unclogging a money pipe so that the clean, nice abundance can flow again. So that the pipe is really clear and whatever you want in the F word can just flow once again.

Genecia Alluora: My dear, you have to trust me on this. I've been talking teaching this for a long long long time. And I've also been working on myself for a long time now and I've seen it every single time. Forgiveness makes you richer. Full stop. And forgiveness also makes you a soul rich woman. Full stop. Have you heard of the saying holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die? My business partner always tells me that it's quite interesting concept even for me and along the way I agree with that. So that's why I'm telling it you to you now, right?

Genecia Alluora: Holding on to some of these memories or resentment only poisons yourself and sometimes it brings cancers to your body, blockages to your body. And when you experience or have this energetic declutter that is in your body, in your spirit, in the whole of you, you won't allow yourself to experience the abundance, the fabulous, the freedom, the financial independence or the happy family or just the happiness part for yourself that the universe wants to give to you. Really this energetic clutter is very interesting. If you have this energetic clutter, it's like kind of not allowing yourself to do stuff, to receive stuff. And you might sabotage it through also old behaviors.

Genecia Alluora: Or you're not going to believe that you're worth it. Or you're not going to believe that you are. Worth charging premium pricing, worth going for your dreams, worth whatever that may be to you. So forgiveness is really very simple. It's very simple ritual. You're doing the full moon, you don't need even the mirror and you also don't need to get undressed.

Genecia Alluora: Sometimes people would ask me some clients I work with do I need to put candles around me, put a nice carpet on the floor and then sit on it and then wait till the moonlight is up and then I can do this forgiveness ritual. I laugh. Okay? Really? Forgiveness is very simple. It's so simple that it's so simple. It's just so simple. Okay?

Genecia Alluora: All right, my dear. Like I said, the simplest process is to go through each money memory at a time and mentally give forgiveness to the person or situation. So you just take some time, maybe half an hour. Set a timer on your mobile phone by yourself with no little distractions. Or when your children is sleeping or when your husband is not around or whatever, they maybe have some privacy for yourself. This is your own space. This is your me time where you're not going to get interrupted. Because if you want to own and love your F word, you got to clear your pipe, clear the blockages to receive eventually.

Genecia Alluora: So some of the memories might bring up some emotions for you, like sadness, anger, shame, guilt, frustration, whatever that may be. And that's actually good news. Allow yourself to cry if you have to, if you want to. Don't need to filter anything at all. And that's something I want to highlight to you. Don't filter. This is a hashtag no filter thing, okay? Because this is truly belong to you.

Genecia Alluora: It means that it still has resonance for you. And that's definitely something to clear and let me rejoice with you and share the moment with you because it is so amazing. You are experiencing and you are moving forward by just being willing to take this step of forgiveness. Our clock and our blockage is like using a computer. There has too many programs running on it. So when your Ram is not enough, the whole thing kind of slow down, right? So you need to upgrade a computer. And to upgrade a computer, it's to really do this forgiveness exercise so that you can create more mental space and energy.

Genecia Alluora: So this one is something you have to try to see how it feels. Just go through each of the memory and let the old emotions come through or come forth. You might remember how you feel about it again. Sometimes you may feel like icky as you allow it to come over you again. Or sometimes you feel really dirty depending on what happened to you. When you're ready, like I said, just say I forgive you, or mentally feel the forgiveness and feel it living to you.

Genecia Alluora: Sometimes I get my clients to visualize like a black cloud leaving their bodies, right, a color that they don't like leaving their bodies. So you can do a color visualization as well to let it go and visualize it. Kind of like visualizing it and just say I forgive you, and just mentally feel the forgiveness and just let it go. So once you mentally forgive each memory, I want you to cancel it or cross it out and then go to the next one. And you might think, what the hell is that going to do by canceling and moving to the next one.

Genecia Alluora: Okay? It simply means that it releases you from carrying it. It kind of gives you a visual that sets you free to create another story. A new story, a positive story. So as you think of each situation, you might feel compassion for the other person, or you might feel sorry for them. That's okay. Just release it and let it go. So what can you expect afterwards? You might feel immediately lighter. You might feel like a bit tired emotionally, a bit tired, but a good tired. Okay? It's a good tight way. Or feel upset or maybe even cry. It's okay, right? That's perfectly fine. And you have the permission to do just that because this is your time and you are ready for the next step.

Genecia Alluora: However, don't force the emotion if it's not there. Don't need to overanalyze the exercise or get caught up doing this perfectly, okay? Miss perfectionist, no need to do it perfectly okay anytime right now is those moments where it is really that simple. Now, this isn't just a one time thing, okay? You will hear me say forgive and tap a lot. Or just I love myself and I set myself free. This is my time and I'm ready for the next step.

Genecia Alluora: Forgiveness is key. So when you remember something new, you can just forgive these people in the moment, in an instant, immediately, because of this new tool that you have picked up. The only reason why you are not able to forgive probably because there's one part of you is benefiting from it and you are still not aware of the benefit or probably still serving you for some purpose. The anger or the emotion, the frustration, that shame is still serving you to a certain extent. So go back to recognizing them once again. And then go back to forgiveness once again.

Genecia Alluora: Sometimes you might need a few rounds to get through one situation. That's fine as well. Because in a single situation, there could be different levels or different layers, right? So that's fine. That's totally fine. And that's okay. You have the permission to do just that. Okay? I've also included some of my favorite forgiveness resources if you really want to take this one further. Or you can book a clarity call with me or join deeper or what we call private Program with me if you really want to take this one further. So it's really important for you, darling, gorgeous, be brave, be courageous, and forgive. Because it will honestly make such a huge difference in your life.

Genecia Alluora: It's time for you to release all the conditioning from your family, from your friends, the books you read, the movies you watch, the people you hang out with, whatever the conditioning that has happened for you and the stories that might have been passed down for generations, it's no wonder that we get blocked and triggered around money. We are literally overcoming decades of conditioning, decades of shitty stuff that accumulates in our subconscious, accumulates within us, in our energy, in everything that who we are here.

Genecia Alluora: Remember, you are here breaking the cycle. So creating new memories and creating a new foundation for your money is the first step, all right? And this is going to be life changing for you. So gorgeous and my dear, share with me some of your biggest AHAs. I want to know, really, what are some of your stories? No judgment here, okay? And hashtag no filter, because this is an opportunity for you to upgrade your life to all that love the F word that truly belongs to you, not to anyone else but you. And you too, can have it all.

Genecia Alluora: And for you, who is resisting doing this exercise on this work, let me let us know too. You can write to me at hello@soulrichwoman.com. This is really your time and you are ready for the next step now. Sending you my love, and I'll speak to you soon. Bye for now.

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